SOK Project Ideas
There are so many great things that you could do for your SOK project with Sharklab-Malta. Here’s a list of ideas which might help you.
Design and create educational posters
Generate a survey to gauge the perception people have about sharks around the Maltese Islands
Organise a clean up
Organise a fundraising activity to generate funds for Sharklab-Malta
Research and write an article about a species of Elasmobranch which can be used online or in a newsletter
Carry out dissections on various species
Create an accurate model of a shark, skate or ray
Visit the fish market and collect data
Create interesting fact sheets and quizzes
Participate in egg case searches
Create a simple egg case identification guide
Create a booklet about different species of sharks, skates and rays
Create a short video on different aspects of Sharklab
Produce website content and write blogs
Investigate the role of social media in promoting the work and research of Sharklab
Create an informational booklet designed for children to teach them about the marine environment
Create children’s activities which can be used at awareness activities or given out at presentations
Create an interactive sightings map of sharks, skates and rays
Create an interactive map of eggcase search locations incorporating information on techniques to find egg cases during a search
The list is endless so if you have any ideas, please get in touch.
We are happy to hear more from you.