Our projects
Sharklab-Malta undertakes a variety of different research activities on land and in the water in order to gather important data on elasmobranch species. This is crucial to better understand the species, and to allow members to actively participate.
Elasmobranch research
Research is an important component to understanding the situation for elasmobranchs in Maltese waters and allows us to better inform the public through awareness campaigns as to the real and present situation. We hope to change people’s perceptions about these critically important marine predators by sharing the research data, and hope to be a part of making the future for elasmobranchs more of a certainty.
Oviparous species eggcase recovery and release
Sharklab-Malta is the first NGO in the world to grow their own sharks using eggs recovered from dead females! By taking eggs from dead female sharks accidentally caught by fishermen, we can keep the eggs in stable aquaria until the sharks hatch. These baby sharks can then be released into the wild. To date, we have reared and released over 350 baby sharks!
Fly with Bull Rays
In 2011, Sharklab-Malta recorded the presence of a bull ray (Aetomylaeus bovinus) in Maltese waters for the first time, subsequently publishing a scientific paper. Since this first sighting Sharklab has continued to collect reports and pictures of this amazing species.
Nursehound Tagging
The Nursehound Tagging Program is Sharklab’s first tagging study and is looking into the post-release survivability and productivity of our sharks. The project will try to find out how far and deep our pups go and how long they can survive before being caught.